EVENFLOW at SMiLe 2023 workshop, NL
The EVENFLOW project recently participated in the SMiLe 2023 – Spring workshop on Mining and Learning 2023, which took place between 30 May – 1 June 2023, in Sint-Michielgestel, The Netherlands.
Representatives of partner NCSR Demokritos Dr. George Paliouras, Technical Manager of EVENFLOW, together with Dr. Nikos Katzouris, presented the project during the poster session and also gave a talk titled Towards Neuro-Symbolic Complex Event Forecasting (CEF).
The talk outlined the interplay between the statistical, symbolic and neural learning tasks involved in the development of CEF systems, discussed the challenges of applying existing hybrid learning and reasoning techniques in large-scale temporal domains and suggested some first steps towards addressing these challenges. The talk follows CEF approaches developed by the Complex Event Recognition group at NCSR Demokritos.
About the workshop
This biennial workshop series aims to bring leading machine learning and data science researchers together in an informal and stimulating atmosphere, where they can report on interesting recent research results, share their vision on future developments, have stimulating discussions with peers, and start new collaborations.