EVENFLOW is a three-year project which will be developed through six work packages, as follows.
EVENFLOW is a three-year project which will be developed through six work packages, as follows.
WP1 Leader -
Project Management & Coordination
WP1 deals with the administrative and financial management of the project, ensuring the completion of all deliverables on time, within budget and to the required quality standard. In addition, it handles the scientific and technical coordination of the project, including the project's data management plan.
WP2 Leader -
Communication, Dissemination & Exploitation
WP2 deals with all activities related to the communication and dissemination of the project’s outcomes and results, the development of a market analysis and a sustainable business plan for the commercial exploitation of the EVENFLOW technology, in addition to liaison activities with closely related EU-funded projects and research initiatives.
WP3 Leader -
Use-Cases and Domain Validation
The purpose of WP3 is to coordinate the effort of validating the EVENFLOW outcomes (technical objectives and software tools developed in WP4 and WP5 and integrated in WP6) in the real-life scenarios provided by the project’s use cases. This WP is in close collaboration with WP1, especially regarding EVENFLOW’s data management plan. It is also responsible for defining KPIs that are specific to the use cases and developing an experimental validation plan for each use case to monitor such KPIs.
WP4 Leader -
Hybrid Learning & Reasoning for Complex Event Forecasting
WP4 is responsible for EVENFLOW’s online neuro-symbolic learning and reasoning techniques, in addition to the development of methods for end-to-end forecast explainability and data augmentation via data programming. The research and development activities in WP4 closely monitor the advancements in ML verification and scalability techniques from WP5, while the software tools developed in WP4 are integrated into the EVENFLOW platform in WP6 and validated in WP3 via the EVENFLOW use cases.
WP5 Leader -
Verification and Scalability
WP5 develops the ML verification and scalability tools that enable EVENFLOW’s robust and efficient neuro-symbolic learning and reasoning techniques developed in WP4. The tools developed in WP5 take into account robustness and scalability requirements that are specific to the use cases and may be identified in WP3. The verification and scalability tools will be integrated into the EVENFLOW prototype in WP6.
WP6 Leader -
Software Integration in the EVENFLOW Platform
WP6 is responsible for designing the EVENFLOW architecture and building the prototype integrated system. Tasks in this WP include the identification of system requirements from the other technical WPs (WP4 and WP5), also taking into account user requirements from WP3. Additionally, this WP handles the design and implementation of the EVENFLOW connectors, i.e. software modules that bring into the integrated system the different technologies and software toolkits developed in the technical WPs.