Partner ARC participated in EMBO 2023 workshop, ES
Continuing our dissemination activities to raise awareness regarding EVENFLOW technologies, the project participated in the EMBO 2023 Workshop, and was represented by partner Nikos Giatrakos, ARC – ATHENA | Research and Innovation Information Technologies. More specifically the event took place in Barcelona in hybrid mode, between 26 November to 1 December 2023 and was organised by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).
In precision medicine scenarios, the use of virtual patients in in-silico medical trials holds the promise of revolutionising the process of novel treatment development by providing an easy, cost-effective and patient-friendly way to perform preliminary assessment of drug safety and efficacy. In the battle against cancer, life scientists from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and computer scientists from the Technical University of Crete have joined forces to develop a virtual laboratory for studying tumor growth and evolution using a prominent, open-source simulation framework, namely PhysiBoSS 2.0.
During his talk, Nikos Giatrakos elaborated on two fundamental Big Data frameworks that aid in effectively deploying PhysiBoSS in practical scenarios. The first is the RATS framework that comes in handy before the medical study starts. RATS optimises HPC resource allocation for a series of tumor simulations involved in a given medical study, thus prescribing the core hours that should be asked and reserved from HPC admins simultaneously reducing the overall simulation time and cutting time to market for the results of the most promising simulations. The second framework is INforE which ingests the voluminous, high speed data streams that are produced by simulations at runtime and serves efficient Big Data analytics on them across networked multi-cloud and multi-platform settings.