EVENFLOW delivers course at 5th ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science, GR

Continuing our dissemination activities, EVENFLOW partner, Nikos Giatrakos from ARC – ATHENA Research & Innovation Information Technologies, was invited to deliver a mini course titled Proactive Streaming Analytics at Scale: A Journey from the State-of-the-art to a Production Platform at the 5th ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science on 11 July 2024, in Athens.

Abstract: Proactive streaming analytics continuously extract real-time business value from massive data that stream in data centers or clouds. This requires (a) to process the data while they are still in motion; (b) to scale the processing to multiple machines, often over various, dispersed computer clusters, with diverse Big Data technologies; and (c) to forecast complex business events for proactive decision-making. Combining the necessary facilities for proactive streaming analytics at scale entails: (I) deep knowledge of the relevant state-of-the-art, (II) cherry-picking cutting edge research outcomes based on desired features and with the prospect of building interoperable components, and (III) building components and deploying them into a holistic architecture within a real-world platform. In this tutorial, we drive the audience through the whole journey from (I) to (III), delivering cutting edge research into a commercial analytics platform, for which we provide a hands-on/demo experience.

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