EVENFLOW at BSC Severo Ochoa International Doctoral Symposium 2023, ES
EVENFLOW partner Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), and more specifically PhD student Guillermo Prol Castelo, participated in the 10th BSC Severo Ochoa International Doctoral Symposium, which took place on 9 and 10 May 2023, in Barcelona, Spain. The event was addressed to PhD students, as well as early stage PostDoc researchers and late stage MSc students in the BSC areas of research and complementing areas. A poster was also presented elaborating on BSC’s use case regarding Personalised Medicine, which utilises EVENFLOW technology to forecast events related to critical stages in tumour evolution.
The aim of the BSC Doctoral Symposium was to provide a forum in which PhD students and PostDoc researchers could present the results of their research work. To reach these goals, PhD students and PostDoc researchers shared their experience and findings through talks, poster sessions and discussions. Authors were invited to submit manuscripts regarding original research and recent developments, as well as position and strategic papers in the remit of the Symposium.