EVENFLOW project plenary meeting takes place in Athens, GR
The EVENFLOW project successfully held its second physical plenary meeting on 8 – 9 June in Athens, Greece. The two-day meeting was organised and hosted by partner NCSR-Demokritos, where all project partners came together to discuss about the project’s current status and next steps.
On the first day, partners presented the work and talked about progress per work package (WP), which led to constructive discussions on how to improve the work processes and overcome challenges. The discussion continued on the technical demands for each use case.
The second day continued with more presentations and discussions, followed by a hands-on workshop on the dissemination & communication needs of the project and the exploitation of results, where creative ideas were generated using an online application tool.
We would like to thank our partners NETCOMPANY – INTRASOFT (INTRA), Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications (IIT) at NCSR Demokritos, Imperial College London (ICL), ATHENA Research Center (ARC), Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) for being part of our two-day plenary meeting and for sharing their valuable input.
Looking forward to our next meeting!