EVENFLOW publication presented at ECAI 2023, PO

NCSR Demokritos partner participated in the 26 European Conference on Artificial Intelligence – ECAI 2023 with the presentation of the publication titled Answer Set Automata: A Learnable Pattern Specification Framework for Complex Event Recognition. The conference was held in Poland from 30 September until 4 October 2023.

Abstract of the paper: The paper Complex Event Recognition (CER) systems detect event occurrences in streaming input using predefined event patterns. Techniques that learn event patterns from data are highly desirable in CER. Since such patterns are typically represented by symbolic automata, we propose a family of such automata where the transition-enabling conditions are defined by Answer Set Programming (ASP) rules, and which, thanks to the strong connections of ASP to symbolic learning, are learnable from data. We present such a learning approach in ASP, capable of jointly learning the structure of an automaton, while synthesizing the transition guards from building-block predicates, and a scalable, incremental version thereof that progressively revises models learnt from mini-batches using Monte Carlo Tree Search. We evaluate our approach on three CER datasets and empirically demonstrate its efficacy.

ECAI is Europe’s premier AI research venue. ECAI 2023 featured a full programme of technical papers, as well as many AI-related events of interest for researchers, students and industry professionals. This included workshops and tutorials, as well as sister conferences for starting researchers (STAIRS) and prestigious applications of AI (PAIS). The conference was supported by the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) and the Polish Artificial Intelligence Society (PSSI).

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