Partner BSC at GeMSS 2023 in Copenhagen, DK
BSC partner presented EVENFLOW in the GeMSS 2023 Summer School that was held in Copenhagen between 26 – 30 June 2023. More specifically, Mr. Guillermo Prol Castelo of partner BSC, presented at GeMSS a poster on generative AI, which includes research conducted within EVENFLOW.
The workshop consisted of three days of theoretical classes that covered all the basic mathematical concepts needed to understand several methods of generative AI: Variational Autoencoder (used by EVENFLOW), transformers, generative adversarial network (GAN). At the end of the third day, participants had the chance to present a poster about their work to all classmates and professors, who provided very valuable feedback for EVENFLOW project.
Lastly, the remaining two lecture days consisted of several lectures about specific use cases of generative AI, taught by expert academic and industry researchers.

The GeMSS Summer School is targeted towards PhD students working with data science broadly, and for whom generative modelling potentially plays a part in their (PhD) projects. In particular, the program is designed to accommodate both students doing methodological data science research (e.g., machine learning, statistics and AI) and students doing applied data science research (e.g., bioinformatics, computational physics, computational chemistry and computational social science). Furthermore, the course was also open to postdocs and more senior researchers who wanted to work with deep generative models, as well as people from the industry as continual training in data science.